Award-winning creative marketing executive with proven success driving integrated strategic and captivating brand campaigns




As someone that loves developing strategy and creative to create a story line that connects brands and their audiences, I must admit that I hate crafting a selling story of my own. It’s got to be the right balance of professional and quippy, smart and slick, trustworthy and rebel-hearted all while being authentic to my personal tone, point of view, voice and all that personal branding jazz. I really, really, really hate talking about myself… but let’s see…

I could frame it up with a lead-in about how I first saw myself as a writer after my dad told me I was a great writer, thanks to a holiday letter I wrote my cousins detailing the fiasco that had been our toppling Christmas tree. Then how I expanded my range into playwriting, directing and choreographing for theater before heading off to UNC, where I majored in Journalism and Political Science, eventually working in law and technology.

That’s typically where I throw in the fun fact that I worked for Johnny Cochran right out of school — Yes, I met him several times, had lunch with him. No, this was long after O.J. when he realized there was more money in civil litigation.

After drawing you in with another sidebar about getting my Master’s in Graphic Design because I was so tired with how my writing was being laid out, I could tell you about honing my skills as a multi-hyphenate creative executive, coming up through the ranks with an incredible agency, delivering award-winning brand and consumer campaigns and learning what it takes to be a creative team leader. It’s here, where I would turn the page and tell you I wanted to do more, to get closer to crafting the direction of a brand more intimately, and felt the call to move in-house and into a B2B-based industry to round out my skills.

Then I could wrap it up by telling you how I currently run the brand strategy for a Fortune 8 global healthcare company. Yes, it shocks even me, the daughter of two pharmacists who swore she’d never get into healthcare.

So, I could certainly do all that, maybe even throw in a little about my husband and our 2 dogs, a mention about my love of concerts and a nod to my improv troupe, but wouldn’t it be more fun to actually connect?

Drop me a line and let’s nerd out over all things brand, marketing, design, writing, UNC Tar Heels, Project Runway or smashing the patriarchy.